Acorazada IRON Armoured IRON

New catalogue of our Armoured IRON

New catalogue of our Armoured IRON door Our Armoured IRON doors are consolidated within the range of Puertas Perciber products as a high-quality alternative for those users who require a Class 3 armoured door. The Armoured IRON door is developed in order to protect our home against any type of theft and intrusion with a…


From October see you on YouTube

From October see you on Youtube. At Puertas Perciber we continue walking towards the future. We do this by taking steps that bring us a little closer to our customers, distributors and suppliers, and also by making our range of products more accessible and visible through different media, always committing to design and quality. We…

Gris Malluma

New 2D Vinyl finish: Gris Malluma

New 2D Vinyl finish: Gris Malluma. As part of Perciber’s commitment to remain at the forefront of design trends and finishes, and in response to new market demands, we have incorporated a new 2D Vinyl finish into our range of PortStylo interior doors, Gris MALLUMA. MALLUMA is a wood-look finish in a medium-dark gray tone,…

nuevo sitio web

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website. In order to improve our service, and as part of our new communication strategy in which we understand digital media as an essential tool to improve and expand the relationship with our customers, distributors and the general public, we have recently carried out a major expansion of our website. On…


Armoured IRON doors now on our website

Armoured IRON doors now on our website A few months ago we incorporated the new range of IRON armoured doors into our product catalogue. In order to provide our distributors, agents and partners the access to the public information on this range, and also with the goal of making the benefits and advantages of the…